City of Wanneroo Open Day

The AARP was privileged to host Mayor Linda Aitken at our March Open Day to discuss business development in the City of Wanneroo. The event also included a tour of the facilities and a demonstration by AARP innovator Jevons Robotics.


Mayor Aitken made clear that the City of Wanneroo is a strong supporter of the AARP, stating, “Build it and they will come. This is the vision for the Precinct. And the City of Wanneroo is proud to be part of the foundation of this visionary project.” 

Having personally witnessed the impact of robotics in the medical industry, she remarked, “For industry, it is vitally important for us to be competitive, to get to the cutting edge… so it’s exciting that Wanneroo is now a hub for incredible technological developments that will create jobs for our people in the future.”

AARP National Project Lead Tamryn Barker elaborated on the AARP’s mission to create commercial outcomes through industry research, provide a training facility for emerging technologies, and enable local innovators to conduct customer demonstrations.

Attendees then made their way to Test Bed 5, where Jevons Robotics CEO Todd Peate provided an in-depth demonstration of their ground-breaking robotics technology.

This WA tech start-up specialises in building large, battery-electric, teleoperated, and remotely autonomous wheeled vehicle solutions for the global mining industry. Jevons’ experience at the AARP exemplifies the value the Precinct offers to the industry.

The day was well-attended by people from all across industry, ranging from start-ups to established multinational companies, and also included a group of students from the UWA Robotics Club.

The AARP regularly holds Open Days for all interested parties to tour our robotics and automation testing facilities and learn more about our vibrant, cross-sector innovation community.

The AARP was privileged to host Mayor Linda Aitken at our March Open Day to discuss business development in the City of Wanneroo. The event also included a tour of the facilities and a demonstration by AARP innovator Jevons Robotics.